Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Microbes Poster Activity

Directions: You are to choose a disease you would like to research from the list below. You will then log in to trackstar and research that disease. Once you have gathered all of your information, you will use it to create a poster. The following is required on the poster:

·         Name of the disease (Some illnesses/diseases have several different names, include all of them)
·         Define the disease. Explain what the disease does to a person’s body.
o   Be sure to include all major side effects of the disease
·         How a person can come down with the disease (Communicable or non-communicable)
·         How can a doctor diagnose this disease? (Are there tests that can be ran or just based on the symptoms?)
·         The treatment/medicine for the disease (If there is not a cure, explain what a person has to do in order to live with the disease)
·         Is this disease/illness preventable? If so, how? (Ex: Healthy living, cleaning/washing hands, vaccination, etc..)
·         Include at least 3 more facts you have found about the disease that you find interesting.

Diseases to choose from:
Group 1.     Chicken Pox
Group 2.    Whooping Cough
 Group 3.    Strep Throat
 Group 4.    Flu
Group 5.    Common Cold

How to research:
·         Track # for Websites: 452967
·         Track # for Videos: 452968

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